Weight Management

Dietary supplements for weight loss work in several ways, as explained in Supplements That Help Weight Loss.


Supplements for weight loss work best in combination rather than singly. You can select from among the following supplements in any combination you choose. See Weight Loss Schedule for details. 

Improve Energy Levels

B-Lite*, E3 AFA, Greens Pak, Liposomal C, and Magnesium Tablets.

Support Thermogenesis

B-Lite*, fücoTHIN® GREEN, HCA (hydroxycitric acid), and Plant-Based Protein or Whey Protein.

Suppress Appetite

5-HTPB-Lite*, CraveArrest™HCA (hydroxycitric acid), Plant-Based Protein or Whey Protein, and Relora with Bacopa.

Lift Mood and Promote Calm

5-HTP, Calms Forté®, CraveArrest™E3 AFA, HCA (hydroxycitric acid), Magnesium Tablets, and Relora with Bacopa.

Offset the Effects of Stress

Active B-Complex, Cortisol Manager, CraveArrest™HCA (hydroxycitric acid), Liposomal C, Magnesium Tablets, and Relora with Bacopa.

Promote Toxin Elimination

Active B-ComplexACZ NanoE3 AFA, Greens Pak, Liposomal C, and Magnesium Tablets.

Supply High Grade Protein

Plant-Based Protein or Whey Protein.

Promote Restful Sleep

5-HTPCalms Forté®Cortisol Manager, and Sleep Reset™

Tip 1  Top supplements formulated for weight loss are CraveArrest™, fücoTHIN® GREEN, HCA (hydroxycitric acid), and Relora with Bacopa. You may compare one product to another by alternating them every week or two.

Tip 2  B-Lite is especially for you if you consume coffee, tea, colas, or other products that contain caffeine. Use B-Lite instead for energy, feeling good, and losing weight while improving your health. Then switch to caffeine-free supplements.

Tip 3  Active B-Complex, ACZ Nano, E3 AFA, Greens Pak, Liposomal C, Magnesium Tablets, and Plant-Based Protein or Whey Protein can significantly improve your energy level, mood, overall health, and long-term weight loss success. These supplements work well together for regular use.

Supplement List