Dietary Supplements That May Work Miracles

Posted by Horton Tatarian, research biochemist, on 31st Jul 2017

Dietary Supplements That May Work Miracles

Products That Don’t Work Well

A previous article,  Vitamins That Don't Work Well, discussed common formulation errors and ineffective ingredients in mass-market multiple vitamins. Although scientific ignorance may be responsible for defective dietary supplements, corporate interests to maximize sales and profits in highly competitive public markets also play a role.

Supplements Preferred By Specialists

Hundreds of companies supply dietary supplements that satisfy the requirements of health practitioners. You can access most of them through our suppliers, Fullscript and Wellevate. Registration is free of charge and allows competitive pricing. Sales through our suppliers and this website fund the research that enables us to provide you our recommendations.

Quenching Deficiencies

Low intakes of vitamins and minerals are associated with poor health.

“...recent findings have determined that less than optimal biochemical concentrations (representing suboptimal status) have been associated with risks of adverse health effects. These health effects include cardiovascular disease, stroke, impaired cognitive function, cancer, eye diseases, poor bone health, and other conditions.”  Reference

Persons suffering from iron deficiency routinely experience remarkable improvements in energy, endurance, and cognition after supplementation with iron.

Likewise, reports of marked improvements in health often arise after quenching other nutritional deficiencies. The Standard American Diet creates disruptive imbalances in body chemistry and within the intestinal tract. Evidence of the value of improved diet and dietary supplements most commonly involve the following:

1. Vitamins, especially pyridoxine (B6), cobalamin (B12), vitamin D, and significant amounts of vitamin K (Product categories  Vitamin B6Vitamin B12Vitamin D, and Vitamin K.)    

2. Minerals, particularly magnesium (not oxide), calcium (not carbonate), and the trace minerals. (Product categories  magnesiumcalcium, and trace minerals.)   

3. Phytonutrients, especially the colors green, red, and yellow from whole food concentrates (Product category  phytonutrients

4. Probiotics, essential to use after antibiotics, yeast overgrowth, and long-term poor diet (Product category  probiotics

5. Omega-3, usually fish oil but better choices are available (Product category  omega-3 fatty acids

Protein Overload or Deficiency

Protein Overload

Western diets tend to include excessive amounts of protein, particularly animal protein, which stresses the digestive system, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and, thereby, the entire body. People who switch to a plant-based diet often report life-changing benefits after a plant-based diet, taking high-potency digestive enzymes, or both. (Product  Mega-Zyme. Articles Eat Foods High In ElectronsAnti-Inflammatory Diets

Protein Deficiency

Loss of muscle tissue is common in the elderly and may respond to supplemental dietary protein when taken along with multivitamins, minerals, and improved diet. (Product categories plant-based proteinmultivitaminsmagnesiumcalciumtrace minerals)

Removing Poisons

Toxic environments contribute significantly to the current epidemics of cancer, fatty liver disease, obesity, and other acquired health disorders.

Formulas created to help the body detoxify harmful chemicals often yield noticeable improvements in health after a few months of use. (Product category  detoxification support

Supplements For Specific Needs

Manufacturers offer a wide variety of dietary supplements for the heart and blood vessels, healthy bones, brain function, and other parts of the body. (Product category the body and subheadings)

Other supplements address other concerns, such as aging, cognitive function, emotional resilience, pain relief, sleep, and weight management. (Product category topics and subheadings)

The most potent products for specific needs often include nutrients lacking in Western diets and may add ingredients to promote detoxification.   

Final Tips

1. Review  Vitamins That Don't Work Well to assure that the supplements you have on hand are good for you.

2.  High-grade multiple vitamins at half the recommended amount are far more effective than a cheap mass-market product at full dosage. 

3. You may not need to take lots of different supplements unless recommended by a health practitioner.  Greens Pak alone supplies phytonutrients, trace minerals, and probiotics, as discussed in this article

4. Read Anti-Inflammatory Diets, which covers the relationship between diet and disease and offers helpful suggestions.

About Horton Tatarian

Horton Tatarian image

I’m a biochemist who examines scientific findings on health and disease. My degree in biochemistry is from U.C. Berkeley. UCLA School of Medicine granted an M.D. degree in 1974. Since then, independent research prepared me to advise clients on natural ways of self-care.

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